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More than 100,000 people have signed a symbolic petition not to let multi-billionaire Jeff Bezos return to Earth. The Amazon founder previously announced that he will be taking part in the first tourist spaceflight of his space company Blue Origin on July 20.

“Since I was five years old, I dreamed about a trip to space. On July 20, I will actually go on such a trip, with my brother,” Bezos said earlier this month.

That announcement sparked the “don’t allow Jeff Bezos to return to Earth” petition on the website. More than 100,000 times have already been signed for this on Wednesday afternoon.

Bezos has an estimated wealth of more than 200 billion dollars (more than 167 billion euros) and has been criticized in recent years for pumping a lot of money into his space company. He calls it his most important work.

Critics argue that he could also invest his fortune in education, for example. Many people who have signed the petition indicate that they share this opinion.