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Researchers in Germany have created a drone that can locate screams. The device could be used to find survivors after a natural disaster, for example, reports The Washington Post.

The drone was developed by a team of researchers from the German Institute Fraunhofer. They recorded themselves yelling, tapping, or making other noises that someone in distress might make. The drone then learned to recognize these sounds using artificial intelligence.

According to one of the researchers, the device is ideal for use after earthquakes, hurricanes or forest fires, for example. The drones can fly over places that are difficult for rescuers to reach. They can then identify where people might be trapped, so rescuers know where to go.

“Drones can cover a larger area in a shorter time than rescuers or trained dogs. If a building has collapsed, drones can alert and help rescuers. The drones can fly to places where they can’t just reach,” said one of the researchers. .